Water care made easy...

... with the most important tips & tricks for calculating the correct dosages of water care products.

Optimization of pH Adjustment

Since only average dosing recommendations can be used on a product due to limited space, we would like to offer you the opportunity to refine the dosage of your product here.


Alkalinity plays a crucial role in proper dosing of pool water. Alkalinity (also known as Total Alkalinity, TA value, or carbonate hardness) is one of the key parameters for water quality, ensuring that there are no rapid pH fluctuations in the water. A highly fluctuating pH value leads to serious problems such as corrosion of pool materials, irritated skin/eyes, and reduced effectiveness of chlorine disinfection.

What is the optimal TA value?

The optimal range is between 80-120 mg/l and can be measured using test strips or an electronic photometer (e.g., PoolLab). We recommend measuring the TA value at least every 2-3 weeks, as well as after unusual influences (e.g., heavy rainfall).

How can I increase the TA value?

The TA value can be increased instantly to the desired range by adding a "pH stabilizer." By adding approximately 170 g per 10 m³, the TA value increases by 10 mg/l. The TA value continuously decreases with the addition of pH Minus and must be regularly checked and corrected.

How can I lower the TA value?

The TA value can be lowered by partial water exchange with soft water (e.g., rainwater). Additionally, the TA value can be reduced using a pH reducer, meaning it will gradually decrease over the course of the swimming season.

How does alkalinity influence the dosing of pH regulators?

For precise dosing of your pH regulators, measuring the TA value is essential. Depending on the measured TA value, the recommended dosage of pH (-) Minus Granules increases or decreases. If the TA value is unknown, we recommend our average dosing recommendation of 100 g per 10 m³ to change the pH value by 0.1 units.

Using the following table, you can easily and directly determine your recommended dosage:

In the top row, you will find a range of different TA values. Select the one that is closest to your measurement. In the first column, you will find your measured pH value (first number) and the desired reduction to 7.0. The field where your column with the measured TA value and pH value intersects corresponds to the recommended dosage of pH (-) Minus granules in grams.

Example Calculations

  • Measured TA value of 80 and pH value of 7.8 → Add approx. 300 g/10 m³ to lower the pH to 7.0.
  • Measured TA value of 120 and pH value of 7.5 → Add approx. 350 g/10 m³ to lower the pH to 7.0.

A new pool calculation tool will soon be available here to help you further optimize your water values with even more accuracy.